Peggy Tuter1

     Her married name was Goodrich.1 Peggy Tuter married Asaph Goodrich, son of Asaph Goodrich and Hannah Walker.1

Family: Peggy Tuter and Asaph Goodrich


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 370.

John Goodrich1

     John Goodrich was the son of Asaph Goodrich and Hannah Walker.1


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 370.

Sewill Goodrich1

     Sewill Goodrich was the child of Asaph Goodrich and Hannah Walker.1


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 371.

Peter Goodrich1

     Peter Goodrich was the son of Asaph Goodrich and Hannah Walker.1


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 371.

Hannah Goodrich1

     Hannah Goodrich was the daughter of Asaph Goodrich and Hannah Walker.1


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 371.

Harriet Goodrich1

     Harriet Goodrich was the daughter of Asaph Goodrich and Hannah Walker.1


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 371.

Desire Nichols1

F, d. February 1788
     Her married name was Goodrich.1 Desire Nichols married John Goodrich, son of Dea. David Goodridge and Elizabeth Martin.1 She died in February 1788.1

Family: Desire Nichols and John Goodrich


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 371.

Polly Butler1

     Her married name was Goodrich.1 Polly Butler married John Goodrich, son of Dea. David Goodridge and Elizabeth Martin.1

Family: Polly Butler and John Goodrich


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 371.

John Goodrich1

     John Goodrich was the son of John Goodrich.1


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 371.

Betsey Goodrich1

     Betsey Goodrich was the daughter of John Goodrich.1 Her married name was Cowdin.1 She married (?) Cowdin.1

Family: Betsey Goodrich and (?) Cowdin


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 371.

(?) Cowdin1

     (?) Cowdin married Betsey Goodrich, daughter of John Goodrich.1

Family: (?) Cowdin and Betsey Goodrich


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 371.

Hannah Heald1

     As of February 1822,her married name was Goodrich.1 Hannah Heald married William Marcellus Goodrich, son of Ebenezer Goodrich and Beulah Childs, in February 1822.1

Family: Hannah Heald and William Marcellus Goodrich


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 371.

Lydia Ann Bailey1

     As of 3 October 1823,her married name was Goodrich.1 Lydia Ann Bailey married Ebenezer Goodrich, son of Ebenezer Goodrich and Beulah Childs, on 3 October 1823.1

Children of Lydia Ann Bailey and Ebenezer Goodrich


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 372.

Henry Goodrich1

M, b. 17 November 1825
     Henry Goodrich was born on 17 November 1825.1 He was the son of Ebenezer Goodrich and Lydia Ann Bailey.1 He married first Elizabeth Newhall.1 He married second Caroline M. Classen on 18 December 1869.1

Family: Henry Goodrich and Elizabeth Newhall

Family: Henry Goodrich and Caroline M. Classen


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 372.

Elizabeth Newhall1

     Her married name was Goodrich.1 Elizabeth Newhall married Henry Goodrich, son of Ebenezer Goodrich and Lydia Ann Bailey.1

Family: Elizabeth Newhall and Henry Goodrich


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 372.

Caroline M. Classen1

     As of 18 December 1869,her married name was Goodrich.1 Caroline M. Classen married Henry Goodrich, son of Ebenezer Goodrich and Lydia Ann Bailey, on 18 December 1869.1

Family: Caroline M. Classen and Henry Goodrich


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 372.

Ellen Bailey Goodrich1

F, b. 26 February 1835
     Ellen Bailey Goodrich was born on 26 February 1835.1 She was the daughter of Ebenezer Goodrich and Lydia Ann Bailey.1 Her married name was Locke.1 She married Edward Locke.1

Family: Ellen Bailey Goodrich and Edward Locke


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 372.

Edward Locke1

     Edward Locke married Ellen Bailey Goodrich, daughter of Ebenezer Goodrich and Lydia Ann Bailey.1

     Research Note: Case implies that when he wrote the entry for Ellen and Edward that Edward lived in Waterbury Connecticut at that time.1

Family: Edward Locke and Ellen Bailey Goodrich


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 372.

Susan West1

     As of November 1813,her married name was Goodrich.1 Susan West married David Goodrich, son of Ebenezer Goodrich and Beulah Childs, in November 1813.1

Family: Susan West and David Goodrich


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 372.

Thomas S. Goodrich1

M, b. circa 1772
     Thomas S. Goodrich was born circa 1772 at Vermont.1 He married first Catharine Ramsey circa 1795.2 He married second (?) (?)2

     Transcribed from Case: " born in or near Bennington, Vt., about 1772; when a young man went to Amsterdam, N.Y., and worked at his trade--blacksmith--two or three years; then went to Watertown, N.Y., and bought a farm and built a large stone house, still standing, 1886. In 1823, he, in company with Musgrove Evans, Gen. Joseph Brown, and others, left Sackett's Harbor on a schooner and went to Michigan, where Mr. Goodrich took up a large tract of government land on Raisin River, three miles from the present village of Tecumseh. The year following he took his family there, embarking at Sackett's Harbor on a schooner. They were ten days crossing the lake. Crossing the country to Buffalo with their teams, they again took a schooner, which proved unseaworthy, and a great storm came near wrecking them. After eleven days' sailing they landed at Monroe, where the family rested while Mr. Goodrich walked thirty miles on an Indian trail to Tecumseh, to find a house for his family to winter in. He missed his way, and night found him in an oak opening, three miles from his destination. Seeking shelter under the thick boughs of an oak, he decided to remain for the night; but a terrible thunder shower came up, and he left the tree for an open space. Shortly after the tree was struck by lightning, and he was thrown to the ground by the shock. He lay unconscious for a long time, and morning found him in the house of his friend Musgrove Evans. He found an abandoned log-house for his family, but they were in their new home but six weeks when his son George died, leaving a wife and infant daughter. This was the first death in the township.

     Snakes, wolves, and Indians were very numerous and troublesome. The nearest grist-mill was at Monroe, thirty miles distant, and they often had to pound corn in a mortar for samp or grind it in a coffee-mill. Mrs. Goodrich washed the seeds from pomice brought from the cider-mill at Monroe and planted them, thus starting the orchards of that vicinity. Mr. Goodrich built the first saw-mill, the first frame house and barn and the first frame school-house in the county. He was a justice-of-the-peace, and married the first couple in Tecumseh. He and his youngest son also helped to build the first grist-mill there. One day when he was absent an Indian came to his house, and seizing his daughter Deborah, dragged her out and tried to make her drink some whiskey. Her mother followed, and the Indian asked her to drink also. Pretending to-do so, the Indian released the daughter and they both escaped to the house and barricaded the door, while the younger children sought safety in the garret. The Indian tried to break down the door, but failing, began to split it with an ax, and the mother and daughter retreated to the garret, pulled the ladder up after them, and guarded the opening with clubs. Finding himself defeated, the Indian started for the house of Ira Goodrich, who with his wife and children were all sick. Deborah ran three miles to the mill where her father was at work, and gve the alarm, and he and others ran to the rescue.

     Mr. Goodrich filled many town offices, was greatly interested in the schools, and was an active and influential man in many ways. In politics an inflexible Whig; in religion a strong Baptist. He married, about 1795, Catharine Ramsey, born in Amsterdam, N.Y., March 31, 1777; died April 25, 1836. After her death he married a second time, and his wife survived him."3

     Research Note: A footnote at the bottom of this page states the following:

     "Nothing is known to the compiler of the ancestry of Thomas S. Goodrich. His descendants after long searching, being unable to find anything relating to his ancestors. He is said to have had brothers Caleb (4108) and Zenas (4109), a sister Ruth (4110), who married ----- Carey and lived in Jefferson County, N.Y. One of his brothers is said to have been a major in the War of 1812."

     [Note that Caleb, Zenas, and Ruth are not included in the Case book. I think that Case assigned them numbers in the hope that more information would became available before the book went to press]1

Family: Thomas S. Goodrich and (?) (?)


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 373.
  2. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 374.
  3. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, pages 373 and 374.
  4. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 375.