Elisha Goodrich1

M, b. 27 May 1734, d. 2 October 1789
     Elisha Goodrich was born on 27 May 1734.2 He was the son of William Goodrich and Rachel Savage.1 He married Lucy Goodrich, daughter of David Goodrich and Sarah Edwards, on 14 March 1754.2 He and Lucy Goodrich resided at Glastonbury, Connecticut.2 He died on 2 October 1789 at age 55.2

Children of Elisha Goodrich and Lucy Goodrich


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.
  2. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 60.

Ephraim Goodrich1

M, b. 15 June 1737
     Ephraim Goodrich was born on 15 June 1737.2 He was the son of William Goodrich and Rachel Savage.1 He married Penelope Tryon on 25 November 1761.2 He and Penelope Tryon resided at Glastonbury, Connecticut.2

Children of Ephraim Goodrich and Penelope Tryon


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.
  2. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 60.

Jehiel Goodrich1

M, b. 16 September 1741
     Jehiel Goodrich was born on 16 September 1741.2 He was the son of William Goodrich and Rachel Savage.1 He married Prudence Miller, daughter of John Miller, on 22 March 1764.2 He and Prudence Miller resided at Glastonbury, Connecticut.2

Children of Jehiel Goodrich and Prudence Miller


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.
  2. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 61.

Jemima Goodrich1

F, b. 16 September 1741
     Jemima Goodrich was born on 16 September 1741.1 She was the daughter of William Goodrich and Rachel Savage.1 As of 19 February 1767,her married name was Hollister.1 She married Thomas Hollister on 19 February 1767.1

Family: Jemima Goodrich and Thomas Hollister


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.

Thomas Hollister1

     Thomas Hollister married Jemima Goodrich, daughter of William Goodrich and Rachel Savage, on 19 February 1767.1

Family: Thomas Hollister and Jemima Goodrich


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.

Mary Goodrich1

F, b. 18 November 1745
     Mary Goodrich was born on 18 November 1745.1 She was the daughter of William Goodrich and Rachel Savage.1 As of 14 January 1767,her married name was Matson.1 She married Thomas Matson on 14 January 1767.1

Family: Mary Goodrich and Thomas Matson


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.

Thomas Matson1

     Thomas Matson married Mary Goodrich, daughter of William Goodrich and Rachel Savage, on 14 January 1767.1

Family: Thomas Matson and Mary Goodrich


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.

Rachel Goodrich1

F, b. 13 October 1747
     Rachel Goodrich was born on 13 October 1747.1 She was the daughter of William Goodrich and Rachel Savage.1


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.

Micah Goodrich1

M, b. 13 December 1749, d. 1840
     Micah Goodrich was born on 13 December 1749 at Wethersfield, Connecticut.2 He was the son of William Goodrich and Rachel Savage.1 He was apprenticed to the trade of tanning and shoemaking.2 He married Elisabeth Hills on 17 March 1773.3 He enlisted in the Revolutionary War and was in the battle of Long Island as well as in the retreat of Washington through Westchester and New Jersey. He did not return until after the battles during the retreat of the British to New York. He eventually settled in Sandisfield, MA. where he carried on the business of his trade.2 He died in 1840 at Sandisfield, Massachusetts.2

Children of Micah Goodrich and Elisabeth Hills


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.
  2. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 61.
  3. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 61. Case has the year of marriage as 1783. Considering the dates of birth of his first 5 children, (which are corroborated by Barbour and will be added to this data later) I am assuming this to be a typo and should have read 1773.
  4. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 62.

Sarah Edwards1

F, b. 1709, d. 11 May 1799
     Sarah Edwards was born in 1709.1 She was the daughter of John Edwards.1 As of 13 February 1729,her married name was Goodrich.1 She married David Goodrich, son of Ephraim Goodrich and Sarah Treat, on 13 February 1729.1 She died on 11 May 1799.1

Children of Sarah Edwards and David Goodrich


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.

John Edwards1


Child of John Edwards


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.

John Goodrich1

M, b. 16 June 1730, d. 12 October 1774
     John Goodrich was born on 16 June 1730.2 He was the son of David Goodrich and Sarah Edwards.1 He married first Prudence Talcott, daughter of Col. Elizur Talcott and Ruth Wright, on 17 June 1752.2 He married second Abigail Deming, daughter of Daniel Deming Jr., on 8 October 1761.2 He died on 12 October 1774 at age 44.2 He resided at Glastonbury, Connecticut.2

Child of John Goodrich and Prudence Talcott

Children of John Goodrich and Abigail Deming


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.
  2. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 62.

David Goodrich1

M, b. 22 May 1732, d. 15 October 1808
     David Goodrich was born on 22 May 1732.2 He was the son of David Goodrich and Sarah Edwards.1 He married Prudence Benton, daughter of Josiah Benton, on 7 November 1754.2 He and Prudence Benton resided at Glastonbury, Connecticut.2 He died on 15 October 1808 at age 76.2

Children of David Goodrich and Prudence Benton


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.
  2. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 62.
  3. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 63.

Wait Goodrich1

M, b. 8 February 1735, d. 1811
     Wait Goodrich was born on 8 February 1735 at Wethersfield, Connecticut.2 He resided at Wethersfield, Connecticut.2 He was the son of David Goodrich and Sarah Edwards.1 He was began active life as a sailor and became master of a vessel in the West Indies trade.2 He married Hannah Smith on 7 January 1755.2 He was captain of commissary during the Revolutionary War, stationed at Woodbury, Connecticut. On Dec. 18, 1780 he was allowed on his pay table 3000 pounds for purchasing pork for the army. He was an inspector of gunpowder and a reinspector of saltpetre at the powder mills in Connecticut.2 He died in 1811.2

     It is interesting to note that according to L.W. Case, of all this family of twelve children, there were no descendants save from Lucretia who married Frederic Baldwin. At the time Case compiled this entry, Julia Lucretia Baldwin Greene, wife of George Henry Greene of Lansing, Michigan was the only known descendant of this family, she being a granddaughter of Lucretia.3

Children of Wait Goodrich and Hannah Smith

He married Hannah Smith on 7 January 1755.2


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.
  2. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 63.
  3. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 64.
  4. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, pages 63-64.

Lucy Goodrich1

F, b. 24 February 1738, d. 17 August 1807
     Lucy Goodrich was born on 24 February 1738.1 She was the daughter of David Goodrich and Sarah Edwards.1 She married Elisha Goodrich, son of William Goodrich and Rachel Savage, on 14 March 1754.2 She and Elisha Goodrich resided at Glastonbury, Connecticut.2 She died on 17 August 1807 at age 69.1

Children of Lucy Goodrich and Elisha Goodrich


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.
  2. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 60.

Rhoda Goodrich1

F, b. 17 December 1739
     Rhoda Goodrich was born on 17 December 1739.1 She was the daughter of David Goodrich and Sarah Edwards.1 As of 27 November 1760,her married name was Sage.1 She married Gideon Sage, son of Gideon Sage and Bathsheba White, on 27 November 1760.1

Family: Rhoda Goodrich and Gideon Sage


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.

Gideon Sage1

M, b. 1735
     Gideon Sage was born in 1735.1 He was the son of Gideon Sage and Bathsheba White.1 He married Rhoda Goodrich, daughter of David Goodrich and Sarah Edwards, on 27 November 1760.1

Family: Gideon Sage and Rhoda Goodrich


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.

Gideon Sage1

     Gideon Sage married Bathsheba White.2

Child of Gideon Sage and Bathsheba White


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.
  2. [S1] Conclusions of this researcher: I am assuming Gideon and Bathsheba did not have children out of wedlock.

Bathsheba White1

     Bathsheba White married Gideon Sage.2 Her married name was Sage.2

Child of Bathsheba White and Gideon Sage


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.
  2. [S1] Conclusions of this researcher: I am assuming Gideon and Bathsheba did not have children out of wedlock.

Isaac Goodrich1

M, b. 2 May 1743
     Isaac Goodrich was born on 2 May 1743.2 He was the son of David Goodrich and Sarah Edwards.1 He married Hannah Strickland on 4 January 1786.2 He and Hannah Strickland resided at Glastonbury, Connecticut.2

Children of Isaac Goodrich and Hannah Strickland


  1. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 43.
  2. [S2] Lafayette Wallace Case M.D., The Goodrich Family in America, page 64.